+ infoJapan Medical Services CO. Ltd.
18-8 Shiyoutou Height 804 Shinsen-Cho
150 0045 Tokyo
Phone: +81 (0)3 34762921
Fax: +81 (0)3 34762922
E-mail: jms-intl@nifty.com
Website: jms.la.coocan.jp
日本国内で家庭用小型蒸留器から産業用大型銅製蒸留器の販売を致しております。 また、ピンクローズ、ラベンダー、レモンユーカリなどのハーブ蒸留法やアルコールの蒸留法も出ています。 是非、私共のホームページにもお立ち寄り下さい。
Click on the image above to view a newspaper article featuring one of our alembics published in the Yomiuri Shimbun, the newspaper with the world’s largest circulation. We sell the entire range Al-Ambiq products for the distillation industry and for the craft distiller in Japan. Additional information on our site includes the distillation of pink rose petals, lavender, lemon eucalyptus and other herbs. By all means, please stop by and pay us a visit.