Photos – Soldered Copper Moonshine Alembic Stills

These alembic stills have a graceful design based on the old Moorish traditions and are widely used in the Iberian Peninsula and southern Europe. Unlike the riveted union construction, the alembic pot of soldered union alembic is composed of three parts (base, belly, top) soldered with brass. In addition, the copper used in the construction of this still is thicker.

Depending on the location, the remaining unions of the still can be welded with brass, copper or tin (about 99.7% pure) provided a lead-free construction is achieved. The condenser is equipped with a water inlet tube (located on the base) and an outlet pipe (on top). Thus the water circulates in the opposite direction of the descending fumes. The smaller models are ideal for home use, and we recommend the larger alembics for distillers who have the space and experience required for handling such pieces of equipment.

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Ref 62003 – 62008
Ref 62010 – 62020  
Ref 62025 – 62040

Ref 72003 – 72008
Ref 72010 – 72020
Ref 72025 – 72030
Ref 72040 – 72105

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